Rule No. 1 of the formula
There is no formula.
Those we work with again and again - investors, business owners, partners - have given up asking what the secret is. They would rather be fixing their energy on moving forward and making that happen. Sure, we could rationalse the mix of listening, observing, assessing, imagining, following intuition and days of number crunching, but what we'd be describing would be a false process. Every business is unique. And every scenario that we are invited into will be unique to that business. So each and every route has to be unique too.
The only constant is credibility; our credibility, which we'll lend to the proposals we make to find and generate value. A credibility our Principal has spent a career building, and which isn't given easily.
Rule No. 2
A commitment to listen.
To connect with the pulse beat of a business and its organisation. Asking what went right as well as what went wrong. Being open and transparent in our agenda - finding the best route forward.
Rule No 3.
Independence of thought.
We aim to create value by coaching and encouraging clients to do things they wouldn't ordinarily think of themselves. We remain independent in thought and actions, not transaction driven and more about relationships. We remain keenly aware of fiduciary duties.
We also want to have a positive impact on society as a whole. "What is good for the few will be good for the many", as Adam Smith said. As Voltaire's Pangloss stated bluntly, "Common sense, alas, is not so common."
*Voltaire died two years after the publication of "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations". Smith, so badly hijacked and used out of context by many, simply said "The invisible hand is the ability of the markets to self regulate and what is good for the few will be good for the many. It is the interference of external influences, the creation of monopolies, tax preferences, lobbyists and advantages granted to certain groups at the expense of others."
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